The Next OpenAQ Workshop is in Delhi! Apply to come!

2 min readSep 13, 2016


Long story short: If you’re in New Delhi Nov 25th and 26th and interested in open air quality data, apply here!

We are SO excited to announce that the next OpenAQ workshop, held in partnership with Care for Air, ( an independent clean air awareness and advocacy platform, and Urban Emissions, will be in Delhi, India on November 25th and 26th at Social Lounge in Hauz Khaz Village.

Much like our previous workshop in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia last November, the goal of the event will be to introduce our open-source global air quality data platform and convene a diverse and passionate group of open air quality data enthusiasts!

We’ll hold sessions for participants on how to use the platform and what others in our community around the world are building. And we’ll be seeking feedback from people about our existing platform on ways to improve it. But the most important part of the workshop will be brainstorming together and starting to build new ways to use open data to fight air inequality in Delhi, India, and the world. The workshop ‘vibe’ will be all about collaboration, impact, and fun.

So who will be there? We’re looking for 30 software developers, air pollution + health experts (atmospheric scientists to epidemiologists to medical doctors), journalists, artists, policy-oriented individuals, government air quality folks, students, and open environmental data lovers to join us. That’s where we think the magic happens.

If you want to attend, it’s free and you’ll just have to answer this SHORT application by October 22.

For more info, please visit: and feel free to shoot us an email at:

Hope to see you in Delhi in November!




We host real-time air quality data on a free and open data platform because people do amazing things with it. Find us at